Wednesday, June 9, 2010

No Oil In Sarasota County

If you've watched the news at all lately I am sure you've seen the oil covered birds and tarballs on the beaches and even news of the oil reaching the beaches here in Florida. Let me start by saying we have NO OIL on our white sandy beaches here in Sarasota County Florida. Had to get that out there incase you don't finish reading.

We just had friends visit from Oregon and were surprised to hear that when they told their friends that they were coming to Florida to visit most of their friends questioned why they would want to come to a place where tarballs were washing ashore. It is much like hurricane season, if you watch the news it would appear all of Florida will be blown away when generally one single storm only affects a few counties.

From someone that makes a living on tourism in our area I am constantly watching the news and visiting the beaches. I spent last weekend on the beaches here and paid close attention to every rock washed up on the beach, I even smelled the sand and swam in the water. We have no oil here. As I watched the pretty white egrets land around me I couldn't help but feel a little sad for the areas that are dealing with this nasty oil spill right now.

If you are planning to vacation here, and I hope you are! Check into trip insurance. I know the oil spill is a man made problem and not a covered reason to cancel your plans but check into "Cancel for any reason" coverage. I googled trip insurance and found several companies.

I will continue to post updates on my facebook page, company website and blogs. I hope that you will continue coming to the beach!