Wednesday, August 26, 2015

18 Week Dye Free Hair update

Welcome to my journey as I leave behind hair dye and go grey naturally.   It's been 18 weeks since my last hair coloring process.(that sounds an awful lot like an AA intro)  My last hair cut was mid to late May 2015 when I had my bangs trimmed.  So four months on getting it cut-when I used to go every 5-7 weeks for color/cut.

I did break down and make an appointment to get my hair trimmed for this Friday. I had planned on just getting a few inches cut off. My thinking was to keep it healthy and trim off any dead ends , and to get rid of some of the color that is left. When I opened my facebook today there was one of those prompts for seeing what I was doing Aug. 26 in years past. It just so happens that last Aug. 26 I  had my hair done. I really liked the picture/cut of my hair so I think I'll use that as a guide when i go in Friday to how much I want cut off. I'm pretty surprised at how long my hair has grown in a year. One would think it would be harder to manage longer but for me it's much easier. I toss it in a pony or pull it back in clips and no more bad hair days..:)

Last August 26..
And today: