Saturday, August 1, 2015

101 Journal Questions for Women #1

While looking around on facebook the other day I saw a post on a friends timeline for a book that sounded like something that would be very helpful for my blog ideas. 101 Journal Questions For Women. Plus bonus, it was on sale at Amazon for only $5.53 ! 

Well today it arrived! Before I even got dressed or put on make up I found it in my mailbox and jumped right online to post in my blog. See, the book is already working on making me motivated to blog more lol 

#1 Question was "What Makes You Happy?

I think overall I am a happy person naturally. Here is my list just thinking about it for half a second; Sunny days , full moons, bright star lit nights, the way my dogs greet me when I get home no matter if I'm gone for two weeks or two hours, the smell of fresh cut grass, the feeling of clean sheets, unexpected texts from Vic saying "my heart is full of love for you" , hearing my mom laugh, getting mail, times spent with friends or family, milk duds, having a clean house, a full tank of gas that I didn't have to pump, hugs, messages from beyond, fire flys, pink anything, youtube, facebook, lifelong friendships, good hair days, random acts of kindness, puppy breath, baby toes, glitter, trees,music...there just isn't enough space for what makes me happy. Life makes me happy!