Last weekend was my 25th class reunion. It was funny to me that people either changed so much that I would not have been able to pick them out of a lineup or they were almost exactly the same as they looked in high school.
Since graduation there have been marriages, babies, divorces, boob jobs, affairs, cancer, moves, new careers,bankruptcies,foreclosures,new homes, life changes....yet thru it all we remain the same tight knit group that hung out back in the 80's! Some may be more medicated now, others less. and some that need to be!
I found myself on the side lines more now than I used to be. Getting out and dancing, humping, groping could not have felt more uncomfortable to me. I don't know where I lost that carefree girl from the 80's but one thing was for sure..she is gone. OMG does that mean I grew up? Nahhhhhhhhhhh must be something
Some of the high lights or low lights depending on how you see them:
- Changing clothes in the street
- The limo ride
- Underwear being put up the school flag pole
- Finding out some classmates "wax" (and not just the girls)
- Explaining lesbian sex to a group of drunk straight girls
- Having your best friend get in trouble for dry humping the bands speakers
- Drinking more beers in one night than I've had in four years combined