Saturday, July 24, 2010

Not everyday is a beach day..

Somedays we go to the pool!


Alien said... 1

Looks like fun.

Happy Blog Hopping!


Alien and Sallie

Anonymous said... 2

Passing through from the blog hop. Pleased to meet you!

The Girly Tomboy said... 3

Oh the pool is so much fun!

I took my girls to the lake today. They had so much fun! Miss Kitty FINALLY learned how to swim! She was very proud of herself.

marcia said... 4

Great pictures Holly!! I am sure all of the furchildren were glad that you "caved"

Anonymous said... 5

We have a black lab and a ginge long hired dachshund. The lab HATES water ( I know, right ) the little one... you cant keep her out of it. Great Pictures!

Michele said... 6

Oh, the cuteness! My dogs love the pool as well. :)

Holly Diane said... 7

Thank you all for stopping by ! We had a great time swimming. They all slept very well last night too, big plus! :)

Joann Mannix said... 8

It is so great to see somebody else with a tennis ball obsessed dog. That pic, the one with your pup hovering over the ball in the water? That is one of our dogs, exactly. She will leap into that pool over and over again to retrieve her ball and bring it back to us. We throw it back in, she leaps again. This goes on for as long as we let it. She would do it until she fell down from exhaustion. She's that obsessed.

Holly Diane said... 9

Joann, That describes our Dakota to a T..she is the same way frisbees too, if we keep throwing she will keep fetching until she falls down ...luckily the others are not as obsessed or we'd have tennis ball fights for days!

Ashley Sisk said... 10

This looks like a blast and I'm jealous of your dogs having that much fun in the pool. I only wish we had a pool...especially on a day like today (it is soooo hot). Hope you're having a nice weekend and thanks for visiting my blog today.

Contact: said... 11

Cute pooches! Dropping by from the LBS...

Stephanie said... 12

So cute!! Looks like it was a really fun day to swim!

Elizabeth said... 13

What a cutie :)

Samara Link said... 14

Ha! That's funny. What a life your little ones have. They all look so happy and healthy. Don't you love that look when they're having such fun that they're actually smiling?!