Sunday, September 19, 2010

A reposted Note from 2009..Jennifers Rose

March 3, 1991 Vics 13 year old daughter was shot and killed by a playmate. On March 3rd of this year I wanted to do something to remember her by so I had planned to get a yellow rose bush. Her name was Jennifer Rose and she was born in a yellow rose bush seemed perfect. When I went to pick out a rose bush I could not just choose one so I got one yellow and one that is yellow with pink tips on the ends (Called a Peace Rose). Over the past month and a half Vic and I have really enjoyed these two rose bushes. Every morning we get up to see the new blooms and as many of you have noticed I take alot of pictures of them! lol We sit out on the lanai and watch the birds, squirrels, bunnies and the furchildren play in the back yard. It's kind of neat because when Vic visited here before the move we use to sit out there in the morning over coffee and talk about how neat it would be to be able to do this every morning...and now we do!

So anyway, soon I wanted more roses...we added a pink cherish and a coral tropicana bush, and then yesterday on my way to work I found myself stopping by Walmart and picking up another rose bush..all white this time. Vic says I did this on purpose to commit us into making another row because she said she didnt want to end a row in white lol So last night we went out and found a bright red and purple is called a double grafted grows red and purple on the same bush! A perfect end for our first row!

I have always loved flowers but have never planted any myself or had my own garden..My grandpa Dunny used to take tons of pictures of his flowers and I would make fun of I understand and feel a little guilty about not appreciating it more back then.

My mom has always had beautiful roses too. She just planted one the other night and when I talked to her yesterday she said she plans on 4 more! It's contagious!! Vic and I went over to visit her and we drove around the Island looking at landscaping and gardening ideas. There is one really cool gazebo that is covered with Jasmine...I will have to go take a picture to's beautiful! Now we want to plant jasmine all because it climbs and looks so pretty and two because it smells incredible!

Today I noticed that most of our rose bushes have beautiful blooms. Here is the peace rose in full glory!


Anonymous said... 1

Awe, Holly! That is soooo special! So amazing. That is so very sad though about Vic's daughter, I send her the best.


Cathy said... 2

What a beautiful rose! I'm a new follower from the blog hop. Nice to meet you! I hope you'll come on over and follow me too.

Screen Door Prep said... 3

What a gorgeous rose, & how beautiful that it has such a sentimental purpose, as well. =)

Thank you for your kind comments during my difficult week. I hope you have had a lovely weekend.

Anonymous said... 4

Hi, very interesting post, greetings from Greece!